A few months back, I was searching for a multi-purpose, all-occasion bag that would fit my always-on-the-go lifestyle as a mom to three active kids. I have since found a perfectly functional and fashionably ferosh Coach bag. However, this post is not about that bag. It is apropos to my complete roundabout about another bag.
It is indeed ironic that about a month after I disapproved of the ubiquitous Longchamp for reasons specified here, I got one as a gift – an exact replica of this one.
I have been using the bag for three weeks now; and let me just say that I am a convert.
The bag is nothing fancy to look at, but its beauty is, without doubt, the kind that grows on the owner. The longer I used it, I gradually began to appreciate it and gave it a second look as I became conscious that it remained as light as feather, notwithstanding the fact that I’ve put my entire house in.
I am now humbly made aware that the bag’s lightweight material, which I previously found “insufferable”, is what makes it so endearing to many, particularly to pack-rats like myself.
The adorable factor increases even more as I take it around with me and discover its chameleon-like versatility to fit in its surroundings.
Off to have a Japanese lunch with friends…
To a soccer tournament…
to the G-league swimming competition…
to a kiddie birthday party…. to pick-up kids from school... grocery shopping... practically, everywhere.