Thursday, July 17, 2008

One La Salle Run

waiting at the assembly area at 530 am under the overcast sky

We showed up that Sunday to join over 5,000 participants for the One Run. One Family. One La Salle. The Fort was literally a sea of green and white as runners started pouring in at the assembly area at 5:30 am. A green singlet came with the race bib upon registration, and although it wasn't a race requirement to wear it, we wanted to do so as a show of force and support for our beloved school.

By 6 am, the assembly area was crammed-full with people waiting for the race to start. Everybody was heady with excitement. The long queue outside the tent for last minute registration showed no sign of receding, more people were lining up to join.

It began to rain a few minutes before the race started, and almost everybody ran to the tents for cover, including J and me. But then again, why bother, right? We were all going to get wet anyway during the race. C bravely held his ground and allowed himself to get drenched by the rain. Just the day before, J got soaked in the rain during her soccer practice, and at the back of my neurotic-mommy mind I was a little worried that she might catch something if she gets soaked 2 days in a row. It was the start of her exam week, it would be dreadful to have her get sick. I brushed that anxious thought quickly away, while hurriedly trying to attract positive thoughts by bringing to mind that she had a perfect class attendance in her previous grade level as a testament to her good physical shape. (She didn't get sick, just in case you're wondering)

The 16k professional runners went ahead, followed by the 5k serious runners. We, the 3k fun run group, left the starting line last.

after the race in sunny weather

I heard a lot of grumbling afterwards that the race could've been more organized, a lot of 5k runners got lost and unknowingly mixed in with the 3k runners due to lack of race markers. J, for one, went on about the lootbag. If you can, go back to the last kiddie party you attended and then fast forward to the end of the party during loot bag distribution. Chaotic and frenzied, right? Think of the frenetic and uncontrolled mess we found ourselves in as we lined up for this dang thing - with over 5,000 people queueing with us. The wait was almost as long as it took us to run, and the big letdown was finding out on the way home, as we were perusing it inside the car, that all it contained was old issue magazines, think 2007 old. Be that as it may, there were a lot of other freebies waiting for those who are patient enough to endure the looong wait. Krispy Kreme, Gatorade, Milo, Tropical Hut, etc. Freebies, of any kind, are a big come-on for me. I am a sucker for it - solid! Only, there was no way I could get C to wait in line for that, so straight home we go.

It was a day to remember. This is our 2nd race as a family, and our second run in the rain, as well. Our Nike Bowermans are giving a shout-out for a good scrubbing. :)

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