Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Playful Kitten

Our very own Lea Salonga is poised to play Grizella in the Manila production of  CATS – The Musicale.  I missed this on Broadway so I want to catch this local staging.

The play brings to mind one of the kiddie parties we attended early this year.  I came home almost looking like one of the cast members.

None of the kids, including my own, were interested in having their faces painted; leaving the face painter very bored stiff.  A few minutes before the party broke up, Tanya and I had this crazy idea of having some fun.  We decided to have our very own Littlest Pet – on our face, that is!  We excitedly told the artist we wanted those drama eyes – big and adorable; with long, loopy eyelashes; slinky whiskers. 

Pretty soon, all the moms joined in the looniness! 

Sometimes, it is fun to just let go and act like a kid again, even if only for a while.  Meow! :)

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