Sunday, January 31, 2010

Change of {heart} about futbol

B recently had a change of heart about all things sporty and decided that she wanted to join her big sis play soccer. I figured that since she already has all the necessary gears she might as well give the sport another try.

Prior to this, I have enrolled her in two or three modules with Futbol Fanatics. She has always shown more aggression on the field than J; going in and attacking the ball even if at that time, due to her young age, it was not clear to her where the goal actually was. I truly thought then that she would be the one who would stay on longer with the sport. So it came as a shock that she lost interest in next to no time.

In spite of this, her soccer cleats would make an occasional jamboree with mud and dust since I made sure to sign up all three of them with our church-sponsored soccer clinic during the summer breaks.

Inserting a photo of the 2009 soccer clinic, with B bringing home a trophy for MVP.

I try to encourage active participation in every endeavor they undertake, and I do expose them to as many sports activities as our schedule permits. But I draw the line at intimidation and coercion. I am not one to force them to pursue an activity if their heart is not into it. I do not believe in wasting time and money just to watch them give half-hearted effort; to catch sight of a lackluster and uninspired undertaking is enough to wind me up to the highest degree of infuriation.

And this is what I mean when I say uninspired....

Just kidding, R! :) But he did have a fascination going on that time with mud, worms and collecting pebbles. Anyhow, other than the minor distractions, R played well most of the time - that is, if he can keep his mind off mud, worms and pebbles. :)

Here he is in a deep and serious huddle with his coach.

All business during scrimmage!

So if the interest is not there, I let it go and we move on to the next activity. But, I make sure to let them try it again at a later time, say one year after, just to see if maybe they changed their minds about it.

True enough, after a hiatus from football for about a year, I asked B earlier this year if she wanted to join her sister play football and she immediately replied in the positive. What she did not mention (but I later found out) was that it did not hurt that a cute li’l boy named Monty from the church-organized soccer event also trains in the same football club.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Alaska IronKid 2010

I just read in the papers that Alaska Milk is sponsoring a triathlon event for kids this year. Largely inspired by the success of the IronMan Triathlon competition held at CamSur last August 2009, IronKids Philippines is a series of swimming, biking and running events for kids ranging from 6 to 14 years old.  The race distances are designed to attract kids and the participants will be categorized into 4 categories and further still, by gender.

J has expressed willingness to join the IronKids Aquathlon event and she hopes to do the race with some of her soccer buddies.  For her age level, she will do a 1.5k run and a 200m swim.  The swimming part will come very easy for her, but she needs a little more endurance training for her 1.5k run.  She has finished several 3k races, but she usually alternates running and walking every few hundred meters. 

Sharing with you a photo taken during her first ever running event at the Manila Polo last June 2008.  C's men's group organized a duathlon for the grown-ups and a 3k run for the kids.

One more taken last January 2009 as she was crossing the finish line, with B running close behind.
Finishing another 3k at the Happy Run last January 2009.
Here's another one taken during March of 2009 for the Pinay In Action 3k race.  I am obviously taking it easy as I still found time to wave to someone.

Here is the Alaska IronKid Event Calendar

Run Race  
Feb 28 – Ironkids Run Race (Manila Polo Club)  Apr 11 – Ironkids Run Race (Ateneo College Grounds)
Age Group Run
6 to 8 yrs 1 km
9 to 10 yrs 1.5 km
11 to 12 yrs 2 km
13 to 14 yrs 3 km

May 23 – Ironkids Aquathlon (Manila Polo Club) July 25 – Ironkids Aquathlon (Alabang Country Club)
Age Group Swim Run
6 to 8 yrs 100 m 1 km
9 to 10 yrs 200 m 1.5 km
11 to 12 yrs 300 m 2 km
13 to 14 yrs 400 m 3 km

Aug 21 – Ironkids Triathlon (CamSur)  Sept 26 – Ironkids Triathlon
Age Group Swim Bike Run
6 to 8 yrs 100 m 3 km 1 km
9 to 10 yrs 200 m 6 km 1.5 km
11 to 12 yrs 300 m 10 km 2 km
13 to 14 yrs 400 m 12 km 3 km

For more details, you can visit the IronKids website here.