Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Alaska IronKid 2010

I just read in the papers that Alaska Milk is sponsoring a triathlon event for kids this year. Largely inspired by the success of the IronMan Triathlon competition held at CamSur last August 2009, IronKids Philippines is a series of swimming, biking and running events for kids ranging from 6 to 14 years old.  The race distances are designed to attract kids and the participants will be categorized into 4 categories and further still, by gender.

J has expressed willingness to join the IronKids Aquathlon event and she hopes to do the race with some of her soccer buddies.  For her age level, she will do a 1.5k run and a 200m swim.  The swimming part will come very easy for her, but she needs a little more endurance training for her 1.5k run.  She has finished several 3k races, but she usually alternates running and walking every few hundred meters. 

Sharing with you a photo taken during her first ever running event at the Manila Polo last June 2008.  C's men's group organized a duathlon for the grown-ups and a 3k run for the kids.

One more taken last January 2009 as she was crossing the finish line, with B running close behind.
Finishing another 3k at the Happy Run last January 2009.
Here's another one taken during March of 2009 for the Pinay In Action 3k race.  I am obviously taking it easy as I still found time to wave to someone.

Here is the Alaska IronKid Event Calendar

Run Race  
Feb 28 – Ironkids Run Race (Manila Polo Club)  Apr 11 – Ironkids Run Race (Ateneo College Grounds)
Age Group Run
6 to 8 yrs 1 km
9 to 10 yrs 1.5 km
11 to 12 yrs 2 km
13 to 14 yrs 3 km

May 23 – Ironkids Aquathlon (Manila Polo Club) July 25 – Ironkids Aquathlon (Alabang Country Club)
Age Group Swim Run
6 to 8 yrs 100 m 1 km
9 to 10 yrs 200 m 1.5 km
11 to 12 yrs 300 m 2 km
13 to 14 yrs 400 m 3 km

Aug 21 – Ironkids Triathlon (CamSur)  Sept 26 – Ironkids Triathlon
Age Group Swim Bike Run
6 to 8 yrs 100 m 3 km 1 km
9 to 10 yrs 200 m 6 km 1.5 km
11 to 12 yrs 300 m 10 km 2 km
13 to 14 yrs 400 m 12 km 3 km

For more details, you can visit the IronKids website here.


  1. Oh, what a lovely event for kids!! I'm sure J will do well in the events! My Giada is starting ballet lessons soon. And also ice-skating with her Dad as she expressed an interest in it, along with ice hockey. The only thing is, we can't find a Regulated safety helmet for her - argh! Her head is too small still :)

  2. i admire your commitment to such events, walang sporty sa family namin! :D same with Jen, my girl is inclined towards ballet


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