Monday, December 6, 2010

D-I-Y holiday tags

It is December already!  Are you done with your Christmas shopping?  

This year, I have decided to give out hand-made gifts to some special people.  I am meticulous, so it is expected that things such as color combinations are nit-picked on.  I have spent a LOT of time creating them, to make sure that the end-result matches the personality and interest of the recipient, so it really feels like I am giving away a part of ME. :) 

If you are not so much into Photoshop, graphic design or vectors, but would still want to make a do-it-yourself project for the holidays.  I suggest you start by making your own gift tags.  There are some templates at the HP webpage which you can download for  FREE.  All you need is just a good-quality board paper and a premium printer capable of printing high-resolution images, and you are good to go!  You can also involve the kids and ask them to help you punch holes.

I hope I inspired you to create something with your hands!

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1 comment:

  1. Lucky recipients! :)
    If only I have enough time, I'd love to make some to give away as well. Only got to make sticker tags for personal use, esp. for the kids' gifts to classmates...dikit na lang ng dikit! :D


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