Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.
- Lucille Ball

I celebrated another birthday this week.  As always, I delicately side-step questions that have any direct reference to age.   After all, lying about my age has now become easier since I really forget what it is.  I stopped counting at 28, and believe me, after a while – what you think, you are!  Wink!

Just to clarify, I am not scared of growing old.  What I am scared of is looking old.  Remember my thoughts on looking like someone's middle-aged mom?

Let me own up and admit that there are times when I look in the mirror expecting to see a dewy-skinned woman, only to see a face that is starting to get lightly tainted with a few creases here and there ( and  please, let me put the emphasis on the word lightly ).  When I notice the arms that used to be taut and toned with years of carrying three babies in succession have slowly started to show a slight waggle.  When the tiny waist that I showed-off years ago has slowly grown - inch by inch, I regrettably tell you - closer to infinity. Haaay!  These are the moments…

And yet I am in my happy place, I am pleased with the person that I am today!  I am thankful for what the years have brought me – a loving husband whose firm hands have tenderly held mine for the last 15 years, whose generous spirit have indulged me in my numerous whims and wants; tight hugs and sweaty kisses from my three kids, who are my inspiration for continuously wanting to be a better person; a healthy body and a grateful spirit to enjoy the countless blessings; a big God up there who is continuously watching over my family.  Like everyone else, there have been a few rough bumps along the way, but this verse always inspires: 
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
-Jeremiah 29:11
And so I look to the future with HOPE because I trust my LORD. 

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  1. Belated happy birthday! You're one hot momma, no need to worry about looking old. I think you're one of those women that will always look younger than she actually is.

  2. Ay I'm so bad...why did I miss this post? Good thing I greeted you! :)))

    For the record: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
    And you are not alone "at 28"! I stopped there too, LOL! ;)

  3. Thanks, Michelle! And might I dare add that we both don't look a day over 28! hehehe!


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