Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year!

My family and I had a wonderful time during the holidays.  We spent Christmas in Hong Kong and flew back home just in time to prepare for the New Year's Eve celebration.

I am in the process of uploading our holiday photos, and also in the middle of writing a post about our trip.  While the family has been there a few times already, this will be the first time I will be blogging about it.  I am looking forward to sharing with you how you can enjoy Hong Kong with your kids - with or without the shopping.

Meanwhile, I am finding it hard to squeeze in some"writing time"...  See, I have been busy getting acquainted with the productive apps and functions of the Ipad.  There must be more to the Ipad other than the addicting games Plants vs. Zombies and Angry Birds...
Plants vs Zombies
Angry Birds
I am slowly building up my library of useful Ipad apps, which I will gladly share with you - if and when I find time to write about it.:)  I tell you, Plants vs. Zombies and Angry Birds are the Ipad equivalent of crack. :)

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1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! I'm sure you had a super fun time in HK! Will wait for your post on that one :)
    Good thing we don't have an Ipad -- we have more than enough gadgets in this household!


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