Monday, November 12, 2012

Of Birthdays and Beauty Marks

Getting very near that "supposedly" wonderful age of forty (yikes!) must do wonders for my self-esteem, for I have finally learned to come to terms that my body will never be the same as it was before I had kids.   

Yeah, I am that kind of woman who has dozens of "issues." You have heard me whine about my unpreparedness to be called someone else's tita.  You've also seen how I was cornered to admit that I was (serial) lying about my ageYou've also been a witness on how I (desperately) try to camouflage a less than perfect beach body. There are times when I'd get really conscious about the extra layer of skin and fat that has permanently wrapped itself around my belly; made more irritating by the fact that it seems to laugh at me as I put on that tight fitting pair of low-slung jeans... there it shows itself - giggling uncontrollaby at my attempt to pull my pants up all the way . :)  You know what I mean.:)

After more than a decade of the Phenomenal Papa's assurances that when he looks at them he just sees beauty and sacrifice, I am finally beginning to believe him... yes, gullible me. The marks are quite ugly to look at and they make my stomach look like a mess, but my husband looks at them as "beautiful battle scars." The marks that showed I lovingly carried each one of his three precious children into the world.

As I inch myself closer and closer to that age of living fabulously, I have come to terms that the stretch marks, the c-section scar, the wider hips, and the mom-flabs that have taken over my entire body, they do make me look more beautiful - even if it's just in my husband's eyes.:)

Yes!  this time of the year always work like a magic charm; blessings are always counted twice, and setbacks are intentionally overlooked.  Just so grateful to be a part of my family.  I look at my husband and see a loving man whose strong arms have, at all times, protected me; whose generous heart has always prioritized me; whose forgiving spirit has, time and again, deliberately ignored my shortcomings

I see the kids and I am thankful that they are healthy and into sports, that they are doing well academically, that they have a close relationship with GodBut, I am also thankful for having them, all three of them,  when I need to wear a swimsuit... yes, most especially, when I need to wear a swim suit!!!  Otherwise, what good excuse can I have for that belly.  tee-hee-hee!

And as always, this verse just uplifts and inspires:

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
-Jeremiah 29:11

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  1. Tina, like you, I am one of those women who sees imperfections in their body...Although I really don't know what you are complaining about your body ?!? ;P You're still the skinny hot mama that you were a decade ago! Time has been good to you! But most importantly, you are beautiful inside! You have a wonderful family to show for, a loving husband and partner in creating a charmed life over there. Yes, we do have a lot to thank for. I also do, every day :)

  2. Your kids look adorable! You are one lucky momma! Buti ka pa nga may reason... Ako, I don't have any excuse for being "voluptuous" hahaha


  3. OMG they all so grown up na! It's been a long time since I last saw them.
    Advanced happy birthday ha! I'm still in denial with the upcoming birthday in a few more months, hahaha...
    You look fab! And Jen is right, you're so blessed and living a charmed life.

  4. Hi Phenomenal Mama! I've missed you :) This post is so heartfelt and inspiring. And your passage at the end of the post is my absolute favorite Bible passage. Thank you for always being an inspiration :)


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